We’re always seeing new ways that brands are piggy backing off trending topics for their campaigns.
And why wouldn't they?
If they can make it relevant to their brand, why not get onto a trending topic?
Exactly. Why not?
Using tactical ads and posts to tap into a trending topic is a great way for brands to get involved with a conversation where they could be exposed to hundreds of thousands of people. For example, when the royal baby was announced earlier this year, Coke, Oreo and Magnum were a few of the companies who used the trending topic to create clever images, taglines and posts.
Brands should always be on the lookout to leverage situations. In some cases they can plan ahead. This week we saw brands using the season finale of TV series Breaking Bad to promote their brand and opinions. With upcoming major events brands can use the time to create a strategy to make the most of the large audience, but in some instances, companies need to be creative and think on their feet to make the most of a situation.
Cast your mind back to the Super Bowl earlier this year which became famous for Oreo’s tweet during the blackout - “you can still dunk in the dark”. Oreo was quick to identify the situation, developed a simple image, had it signed off and out to the public in a matter of minutes.
Would we remember the Super Bowl that had a blackout if it hadn’t been for this reactive tweet? I definitely wouldn’t. The tweet, which according to AdAge was retweeted more than 10,000 times in one hour, could have been worth more than the Super Bowl TV commercial Oreo paid for!
Brands will gain the most out from social media and digital campaigns by being more creative and nimble. A solid social media policy for your organisation will reduce any potential risks of being quick to seize tactical opportunities. If you start looking at what’s trending you never know what opportunities you might find.
Emma Davey